MAKE YOUR 2025 FITNESS & WELLNESS PLAN NOW I know. We’re just into the last part of 2024, and we’re already looking ahead to 2025? Come on...
Recent Posts
Coach Rozy FALL OFF-SEASON TRAINING is taking sign up for our BACK TO SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAM. The off-season program is for boys and girls 6th to 12th grade that are preparing for their Winter Sport, and not involved in Fall Sports. The group meets M-T-W-Th at 4:00 pm, and athlete’s can go 2x – 3x […]Read More »LIVE PAIN FREE
Best Moves to Eliminate Pain and Move Right LPF – COACH ROZY – The Right Moves Poster Coach Rozy is excited to present to the ARDMS on how to LIVE PAIN FREE. For a free THE RIGHT MOVES – just click on the link above and print off your THE RIGHT MOVES “Movement Tips to […]Read More »8 Ways to Stay Motivated & Psyched About Training
8 Ways to Stay Motivated & Psyched About Training by Mark “Coach Rozy” Roozen Raise your hand if you have ever NOT felt as motivated as you could be. Hold it up if you lost some of the inspiration that got you fired up to set that New Year’s resolution moving into the new year. […]Read More »
Coach Rozy new Training Facility on Campus of Mt. Marty University
Coach Rozy on SDPB Sports – Staying Active & Getting in Shape
Coach Chris Haynes (Yankton Boys Basketball Coach - Yankton P&D, Feb. 17, 2023) credited Bucks strength and conditioning coach Mark “Rozy” Roozen and athletic trainer Trevor Woods for the extra work they have put in with the players’ recovery after the tough stretch of five games in eight days.
“Those guys did a lot of extra work this week in order to get our guys recovered as fast as possible and as fresh as we could,” Haynes said. (YANKTON BUCKS WENT ON TO WIN THE 2023 STATE BASKETBALL TITLE!)
Read various sonography articles written by Coach Rozy and Doug Wuebben, Avera Sonographer.